The Webcite FunctionI felt it might be fun to repurpose the copyright symbol as a citation/credit function.
I intend to use this page to maintain a list of links to all the (largely material (in the digital sense)) resources that I have used to create this site. And maybe some resources I've found (and found potentially useful) but never had the need to use.
Think of this like a hyperlinked credit-roll. Which I guess is what any effective credit-roll on the web would be. But, yeah.
If you'd like a more rambling and self-involved explanation of the idea, look here.
CRT Scan Effect
CRT effect using only HTML and CSS YouTube/CodeSpired -
CRT Text Effect
Using CSS to create a CRT Aleclownes -
CRT Effect
CRT CSS screen effect CodePen/Lucas Bebber -
Header background
Footer background
Webcomic site template
Space Mono by Colophon Foundry from Google Fonts